Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 1

So first day back really into things skated alright through the 12 mile warm up boots were aggravting but oh well it just felt like I had no support in the at all by the field sprint time but thats ok I knew going in I had to work on my field sprint. So once that was done we did hill sprints for about and hour an half first stage was just standing 100m hill sprints then second was rolling hill sprints. I tried to slow down my roll every time I did it. But then we got out the tubes and I had to pull people up then hill while doing a standing 100m. But the pain felt good and I felt really strong. I have indoor a little bit later on my indoor season came to rocky ending after winning every meet I entered last year but whatever this year im focused on winning the big show so we will see.
Till then peace.
More up to date training stuff is on twitter MRice007